ep.152『フロントエンド事情は一年でどう変わった?UIT Global Survey 2023』

  • HANATANI Takuma(@potato4d)
  • itatchi3
2024/02/05 に公開1027 views


@potato4d と @itatchi3 が、 UIT で海外拠点を含めたグローバルに行われた技術サーベイの結果について語りました。

昨年の Survey

UIT Survey 2022 実施レポート

Survey 詳細について


What company do you belong to?

What company do you belong to?

How long have you been with us? (For example, if you have been a member for 1.5 years, select “〜2 years”)

How long have you been with us? (For example, if you have been a member for 1.5 years, select “〜2 years”)

What is your area of greatest expertise?

What is your area of greatest expertise?

Which frameworks/libraries do you have exposure to in your work?(allow multiple select)

Which frameworks/libraries do you have exposure to in your work?(allow multiple select)

Which framework/library do you consider the most preferable?

Which framework/library do you consider the most preferable?

Is your work done using JavaScript? Or is it done using TypeScript?

Is your work done using JavaScript? Or is it done using TypeScript?

Do you use Node.js (Server-side JavaScript) in your work?

Do you use Node.js (Server-side JavaScript) in your work?

We ask this question to those who use server-side JavaScript. What execution runtime do you use?

We ask this question to those who use server-side JavaScript. What execution runtime do you use?

Which build (bundle/transpile) tool do you use?

Which build (bundle/transpile) tool do you use?

Which libraries do you use for communication with the API layer?

Which libraries do you use for communication with the API layer?

Which do you use to manage your API schema?

Which do you use to manage your API schema?

Which tools do you use for automated testing of JavaScript code

Which tools do you use for automated testing of JavaScript code

Are you currently developing an NPM package?

Are you currently developing an NPM package?

To what extent have you been involved in activities related to OSS?

To what extent have you been involved in activities related to OSS?

Do you follow any guidelines to ensure accessibility?

Do you follow any guidelines to ensure accessibility?

Do you know what WCAG is? Or have you read it?

Do you know what WCAG is? Or have you read it?

Which tool chain do you use to build the most used UI in your end-user applications?

Which tool chain do you use to build the most used UI in your end-user applications?

What is the most commonly used toolchain for building UIs in internal projects, e.g., internal tools?

What is the most commonly used toolchain for building UIs in internal projects, e.g., internal tools?

How often do you work remotely?

How often do you work remotely?

What language(s) do you use in your job? (allow multiple select)

What language(s) do you use in your job? (allow multiple select)

Which development methodologies are used in your project?

Which development methodologies are used in your project?

Which editors or IDEs do you use most often for Front-End development?

Which editors or IDEs do you use most often for Front-End development?

Which browser do you usually use for development?

Which browser do you usually use for development?



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